(warning: picture heavy post)
At least this past week has been about the spinning…mostly.
First of all, I changed my banner at the top of this page from ‘and crochets too’ to ‘and spins too’. I can already tell that I’m going to spin more than I will crochet so I wanted it to reflect that.
Secondly, I joined the Hello Yarn Fiber Club! (see the lovely button in my sidebar?) I’ve been wanting to join a club but sock yarn clubs are so expensive. I wasn’t able to join the first round of this club, but I’ve been keeping watch for the next one so when it was time to join, I hopped on board! This should prove fun and challenging.
Thirdly, unless Dave updates the mercantile, I won’t be buying yarn for a while. But in this declaration, I unwittingly did not include rovings … which is good, ’cause I just bought this (flikr link). How could I resist a roving that’s almost exactly what I was looking for and named for one of my ABSOLUTE favorite pieces?!? As it seemed to have been made specifically for me, I couldn’t. This will be fun to play with … but it’s not my next spinning project. For that… you’ll have to stay tuned.
And lastly…I finished spinning the ‘I Want Candy’ roving!! YAY! Here are pictures of the progression:
The Roving:
‘I Want Candy’ , 4 oz Merino wool hand painted by MadelineTosh
Presenting ‘Candy Shop Explosion’
70 yards of thick/thin, mostly bulky, 4 oz. Merino handspun
This was an interesting process. I can’t say that I love this yarn nor can I say I hate it. What I can say is that I’m proud of it and I do plan to use it.
I will have news on my Sockapalooza socks soon…
Thanks for stopping by!!
You are amazing! This looks absolutely stunning! Great job!
So pretty!
Great job on the spinning. And I’m glad to see you updated your header image.
Sometimes it helps to do that.
And, not to worry. Once I’m recovered, there WILL be an update to the CCM.
Oh how I wish I knew how to spin… although it’s probably a good thing that I don’t. I already spend enough time obsessing about yarn.