(NaBloPoMo – And so it begins. I’ll be counting down from 30 to 1… )
Several weeks ago, a woman came into the LYS with her Log Cabin blanket, looking for a color to match her final section and it caught my attention. I’d never considered making a Log Cabin Blanket but ever since seeing hers, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
So yesterday, I took a peek at the Mason-Dixon Knitting book to get an idea on the construction and when I got home, found THIS PAGE at the January One blog and used both help me figure out how to make a log cabin garter stitch blanket.
I gathered all the worsted weight, non superwash wool I had in my stash, most of it remnants from other projects. Despite different brands & dye lots, I had a lot of blues, purples & reds plus a small amount of white, gray & black.
So I sat down and played a little bit with Photoshop and came up with a general plan:

Of course it all depends on the yardage of the yarn I have, but it’s good to have a basic plan.

My knitting obsession continues…