I finally finished this hat. It was sitting on the needles for way too long and last month, I finally sat down and finished it in one sitting.
Pattern: Gretel by Ysolda
Size: Regular (I did the slouchy last time)
Yarn: Kraemer Yarns Summit Hill in colorway Aquamarine, not a whole skein
Needles: US 7
Started: December 15 2008
Completed: May 17 2009
I love this pattern. Well worth knitting again. This will make a nice gift for a dear friend. It’s nice to have a Christmas gift done so early.
…aaand… this past weekend, I was knitting like a fiend and finished the heels on my Monkey-ish socks so I just need to do the legs and the cuffs. I don’t have a lot of knitting time during the week ’cause I usually only have enough mental power for spinning at the end of the day so this part might take a while, but I love knitting these socks – a combo of my creativity with that of the Cookie A. Lots ‘o fun, in my opinion. (The yarn is Dream in Color: Some Summer Sky … perfect for this time of year, wouldn’t you say?
This is the Sherman short row heel, great for someone who doesn’t like to deal with wrapping stitches.
I decided not the carry the pattern all the way around the leg. I really like how it looks.
and I got a new knitting book!
and I know what I’m going to knit next … Oh… the anticipation.