happy handmade

It is cost effective to practice a project on copper wire before before working with silver but you can end up with something you really like.

These earrings are very basic and were really easy to make. I wasn’t sure about it after I made the spirals but the hammering and texturing really made a difference. Sometimes the simplest things can be come something very nice.

They’d make a nice Christmas present, don’t you think?

love knot ring

This is my 2nd attempt at the love knit ring in copper.

Not bad for a first try plus it fits! :) I already know where I want to make changes to improve to look of this ring. Ultimately, my goal is to do it in sterling silver in a heavier gauge. :D Question is… should I make it for me or someone else. Hmmm … decisions, decisions… ;)

just what I need…

… another expensive hobby. Knitting… spinning … and now… jewelry!?

Recently I’ve been wanting to buy some hand cards, but I couldn’t decide which ones so I hadn’t bought any. So I used that indecision money and bought tools and supplies to make wire jewelry today. Because of fiber addiction purchases, I’ve been putting that on the back burner but also lamenting that I didn’t have the tools to do what I wanted. And I’m talking just the basic tools. It’s very reminiscent of when I started knitting and every time I wanted to try a new pattern, I had to buy new needles.

I also bought some sterling silver wire in three different gauges. I have two rings that I wanted to try and some earrings that I want to make and if they turn out well, they will be a Christmas present for someone.

This interest in making jewelry has taken me by surprise. About 10 years ago, I tried beading and was very quickly bored. Beading by itself is not enough to hold my attention. But wire looks very interesting, with or without beads. And of course, I have no desire to start with a beginning project. I’m drawn to the Love Knot Ring (shown on THIS page) Fun times ahead! :)